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The Tolma festival at the Armenian Diocese in Georgia

On 30 June 2013, in the yard of Tbilisi Surb Etchmiadzin Church of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia a festival and contest of national dish “Tolma - 2013” was held. The Association of Armenian Women in Georgia “Shushanik”, with the support of the “Hayartun” Center and the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Holy Church in Georgia, initiated the event. 15 varieties of tolma, cooked by Armenian women, were laid on the tables. The purpose of the event was to spread traditional Armenian cuisine.

After the blessing of the Head of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Holy Church in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, the Chairman of the Union of Armenian Women in Georgia Susanna Khachaturyan declared the festival open. Cheerful Armenian songs and music sounded nearby, and numerous guests who came to the festival, among whom were both Armenians and Georgians, Russians, Yezidis, Germans, Jews, Americans, the locals and from different countries, having tried Armenian tolma, expressed their appreciation for the national dish.

While beautiful music and songs sounded and people tasted Armenian tolma, the reputable jury headed by Margarita Kirakosyan, the Head of Financial Affairs of the Diocese, evaluated the varieties of tolma to determine the winner. Tolma was evaluated according to the taste, beautiful appearance and richness of fantasy. All the contestants received the certificates of participation, while the first, second and third prize winners - Hripsime Andreasyan, Alina Alikhanova and Inessa Sarukhanyan received souvenirs.

It should be noted that the year 2013 started in the Diocese with Gatah Festival at Christmas celebration, and the half-year was marked with the festival and contest of the national tolma. Georgian and Armenian media largely covered the festival and contest “Tolma-2013”.


Photo reportage is available at: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.396685160448302.1073741956.113192792130875

Video reportages are available at the following addresses:

Public Broadcaster of Georgia- http://1tv.ge/news-view/51916

Rustavi2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8swU9grrfw

Imedi- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yITjN6Gq3oA

Maestro- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ilx9RT49n-Y

Info9 - http://info9.ge/?l=G&m=1000&id=21863&share=true

Public Broadcaster of Armenia- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTtNqrFRJrs

Armenian channel «Armenia»- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9iRLK9qIWM



Press service of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia

18, Armazi Street, 0103, Tbilisi, Georgia

Phone: +995322546411

Cell: +995593397170

Fax: +995322751790

Email: contact@armenianchurch.ge

Website: www.armenianchurch.ge