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The International Educational Open Ecotour 2013 is Over

The Ecotour was held on April 26-30. The teams from the high and middle schools of the Educomplex as well as guest teams from Lori, villages Martiros and Khndzorut of Vayots Dzor, Shushi, Gavar and also learners from school 98 in Tbilisi took part in Ecotou: totally 150 learners of 21 teams and 4 individual participants.            

4 teams got the highest score 20 and took the chief prize. 8 teams and one individual participant took a special prize with 19 score. 2 teams and and three individual participants took the second place. The third place was shared among 7 teams. Unlike th Ecotour of last year this year it was an international one because of the 4 Georgian teams.

year the Ecotour was also rich with the participation of teams from Vayots Dzor, Lori, Gavar and Artsakh.

All the necessary conditions were provided for the participants of the Ecotour. They had all the technical means to present their works. The jury evaluated the participants' knowledge, the seriouness of their attitude towards their work, the way of introducing their work, the usage of digital means, the detailed consideration of different matters and solutions to them, the ability to work in teams and the ability to be helpful to each other. The jury members stated that they were quite pleased and impressed with the Ecotour contest.    

The Ecotour contest was evaluated by the jury with the following members:

1. Khachik Hakobyan - Deputy Minister of Ecology of the RA - khachik.hakobyan@mnp.am

2. Melanya Davtyan- Head of the department of further education of NIE

3. Gor Alexanyan - lecturer of the social geography department of Yerevan State University  -galeksanyan.ysugeo@gmail.com

4. Hrant Sargsyan - "Ark" Ecoclub

5.Ruzan Ghazaryan - President of the trustee council "Dalma - Sona", lecturer of Ecology

6. Vahan Badalyan - Preservation/ National park Complex

7. Hasmik Nalbandyan - "Mkhitar Sebastatsi" Educomplex

8. Grigor Khachatryan - "Mkhitar Sebastatsi" Educomplex

The learners were quite active and inspired during the Ecotour 2013. It's a pity that besides the Educomplex team no other team fro Yerevan schools took part in this Ecotour. We hope that nex year there will be other teams from Yerevan.

During the Ecotour the participants were able not only to present and discuss their works but also carry out some ecological projects: the teams visited the preservations and national parks in Armenia, took part in the project "The School is a Garden".

During the Ecotour discussions the teams of the next year's Ecotour began to be formed. 

The Ecotour 2014 has started.

Translated into English by the English speaking club