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Digital technologies as productive means of learning

The main purpose of the review:

·      To present the experience, achievements and projects of productive use of digital means in general education

·      To present new digital tools and communication technologies

The participants of the review:

·         Students and teachers, individuals and working groups from the public educational institutions of the Republic of Armenia and abroad

·         IT sector enterprises

Official partners of the review:

·      «Microsoft AREY»

·       «Enterprise Incubator» Foundation

·      «Unicomp»

·      «Firm Alpha»

·      Union of Information Technology Enterprises

·      The National Center of Educational Technologies

Works of individuals and groups can be presented:

·         Video lessons

·         Learning materials made with Smart Notebook software

·         Live@Eduas learning space

·         “Notebook is my classmate” (a computer for every student) teaching and learning in one-to-one classroom

·         Media pens and interactive white boards

·         Social networking: Google, Face book, Tweeter, YouTube, Livestream  as  learning space

·         Educational internet-radio

·         Internet TV-broadcasting

·      Personal blogs, school web site as learning environment

·      E-reports of learning activities of  students, teachers, schools, classes and groups

·      Literary, musical and other video clips

·      Advertisement of students’ and teachers’ creative work

·      Educational films

  • E-books, anthologies, almanacs, journals, archives, calendars, annuals
  • Digital museums, country  studies guides
  • Media theatre, media festivals
  • Educational programs of  robotics, programming, space travel science and  media technologies
  • Organizational and control systems  of school and family economy
  • Other learning materials made with the help of digital technologies

Starting from the 15th of January the participants will publish their materials in social sites, blogs and send their links to digitec@mskh.am.

The prize committee periodically will publish the chosen materials in www.mskh.am
The articles will be published in special issue of «Dpir» e-journal and will be translated into English

February 1 to 10 schools will hold open lessons, presentations of projects, master classes, watching and discussing of chosen materials, awarding

February 10

The official closing of Digitec 2012  

Materials of winners will be published in social sites by the logo of review.

Each person or organization may participate in prize fund making and may encourage the participants of the review, award prizes.
For all comers the guesthouse of the Educomplexis open

Our address: Yerevan, South-western district B-1, A.Babajanyan 25

Tel: 735440, 091431099

E-mail: info@mskh.am