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Teaching English in classes with pupils of mixed abilities


It is very difficult to teach a class with clearly different levels of language competency. They may have different starting levels of English or they may learn at very different speeds.

According to the new conception of teaching foreign languages at elementary, middle and high schools of our country the whole approach has been changed. The new approach takes into consideration the fact that the learners in a definite class are most likely to have different levels of language knowledge and communicative skills.
Every pupil has the right to be involved in the classroom activities irrespective of his or her personal capabilities.
On the one hand, we don’t have the right to neglect the pupils with little capabilities and, on the other hand, the lesson shouldn’t be boring for the smart pupils.
Realizing the importance of setting different demands for the pupils of mixed abilities, new three level standards for listening, speaking, reading and writing have been worked out in our country lately. 

The whole text of the article can beread in Dpir 48.