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Avetis Harutyunyan's Answer to "Winter" Olympiad


Harutyunyan Avetis  studies in  10-3 “Foreign Languages-Translation and Tourism” specialized class .

Email: H.Avetis@mskh.am

Yerevan  Mkhitar Sebastatsi Educational complex

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1.      If you want to be different, select Armenian style.

Walk in Armenian style and you will get astonished. Get it and you will not regret.

2.      Do you want to buy a two-room flat? Here it is.




   The two-room flat is sold in the heart of Yerevan. It has all modern conveniences. All windows look towards the holy mountain Ararat. There are two soft armchairs and a sofa. The kitchen tiled by Italian tiles. Welcome to see it and you will buy it. It isn't expensive it’s cheap.

3.       The real masterpiece of science fiction is Star Wars. Have you ever heard about the key to immortality? No?! Read this book and you’ll get all the information about it. You’ll learn how to manipulate the Force to create life or prevent others from dying. 

II. Ten Inventions

1.      Internet- It’s one of the wonder of our century. It can connect people who are in the different parts of the Earth and give us information almost about everything. So some people can’t live without internet because it has become a part of their life. And without internet we can’t use our emails and our accounts.

2.      Computer- Oh, Computer is a big necessity. Modern industry, transport, communication, media and nearly all spheres of life can’t do anything without the computer.

3.      Telephone- Many years ago people lived without phones. But now it’s impossible. When you are far from your home you can call and know what happened there.


4.      TV- It’s a great invention of the last centaury which keeps its position as a great invention up to now.  Without TV life becomes sad because you can see all programs, all TV shows and all news on TV.


5.      Observatories-In observatories we can see the most beautiful and unlimited space. There are a lot of stars and many planets there. You can see it and admire with a big stars when you visit or work in observatories.

6.      Airplane Bicycle manufacturers, the Wright brothers, accomplished the first motorized flight in 1903 while British engineer Frank Whittle filed the first patent for a jet engine in 1930. Parallel tests in Germany made that country the first to fly a jet-powered plane.



7.      Lightbulb- light bulb is a levitating yet powered lightbulb. It will float stably in midair and remain on for years without any physical contact, charging, or batteries. Ironically, with the levitation and wireless power circuitry both on, this entire package still consumes less than half the power of an incandescent bulb. 


8.      Automobile -  Though under development in Europe during the nineteenth century, the automobile didn’t really become a practical and reliable source of transportation until the twentieth century. Once it did, it changed everything; overnight the horse and buggy became quaint anachronisms while much of the country was paved over to make room for endless ribbons of asphalt. It also brought about a revolution in the market place, suddenly making it possible to truck in goods that otherwise would be impossible to acquire. Most of all, Henry Ford’s assembly-line production style made the automobile affordable and accessible to the average person. The automobile gave everyone a degree of mobility and personal freedom our forefathers could only dream of, and turned entire generations of teenagers into raging revheads.


9.      Printing Press-The printing press was the first one of many communication mediums, changing how information was collected, stored, retrieved, criticized, discovered, and promoted. Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing the first printing press in the Western civilizations of Europe. Gutenberg’s use of mechanical presses along with other innovations made printing a proto-industrial process with a far greater output compared to manuscripts made by copyists.        http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printing_press


10.  Antibiotics - Until Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928, almost any little bug that someone picked up was potentially fatal. Once penicillin—and later a whole range of other antibiotics—came on the scene, however, death due to bacterial infection became rare, resulting in a greatly reduced mortality rate and much longer life-span. It also rendered many scourges of the past—from small pox and typhoid to much more dangerous diseases.


First of all I want to leave school and to go to university where I will be able to study two foreign languages English and Turkish. It will give me a great chance to start working in an international organization as a translator. So step by step I will be able to establish more important contacts for getting closer to my dream to visit as many countries as possible, to see new countries, and meet different people. All these will make my life interesting and exciting.