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Manae Gevorgyan's Answer to the Task of "Winter" Olympiad


Mane Gevorgyan, High School -Grade 12
Mkhitar Sebastatsi educational complex 

Our life consists of periods. Now we are in the period of taking serious steps and choosing the future profession is the most important. Our future life depends on our right decision so before taking any serious step we should take into account the obstacles we are expected to come across. I wonder whether we are ready to overcome them or not. At first we should take into consideration whether our abilities, faculties, and interests fit it. I will be happy if I get satisfaction from my job as a properly chosen career makes a person happy and successful.
Now my friends and I face up to choosing the right profession. For some people it is an easy thing to do. For others it’s a fatal turning point. 
I may dream of becoming a doctor, writer, teacher, but one should have special talent and abilities for it. 
I think I am a very enthusiastic, inquisitive and active person. I want to know what is going on in the world, in my surrounding, in my environment. I want to find out the problems which prevent us from living free, happily and give them solutions. But I know that I can’t do it alone. So I should involve others too. That’s why I have decided to become a journalist. I will write items, articles, I will make short films with the help of which I will bring together the people, who share the same interests or concern. I think these are needed characteristic features which I posses for my future profession. But it is not enough. Besides writing articles I will write short stories. If I make a point to become a story writer I will carry it out to the end. I have made up my mind to write not only in Armenian, but in English as well. For example Garsia Markes’ own experience inspires me very much in this respect. He is both a journalist and a great writer. Once he said that his practice in journalism had helped him very much in writing. So I think I will follow his example. As I can never say “I am sure” I say “I do hope” I will become a good specialist.