Yerevan "Mkhitar Sebastatsi" Educational Complex of the Ministry of ES of RA 2017-2018
Physical Open Environment
- Educational garden in a residential suburb
- An educational establishment with open doors, with no doorkeepers, janitors or watchers
- Constantly changing environment: inside and outside
- Instruction in a transparant environment with no walls
- The Internet is everywhere: inside and outside
- Learners and teachers' attendance with personal digital means (note-books, net-books, tablets)
- Instruction in a professional environment: in the workshops, studios, laboratories, halls
- Educational farming
- Animals, poultry, plants
- Gardening tools
- Educational greenhouse
- Sports school: gymnastics, playing sports, halls for combat sports, rifle range, archery range, indoor swimming pool, sports grounds, horse training court, bicycle clubs, bicycle tracks, racetracks
- Musical school, concert halls
- New model group rooms for 2-4-year-old children
- Out-door beaches
- Summer school garden
- Winter school garden
- Pianos everywhere: in the kindergarten rooms, classrooms for the 1st- 3rd graders, halls...
- Photo and video cameras, recorders, cell-phones are everyon's everday educational tools.
- Attendance with rucksacks
- Rucksacks, sleeping bags are learners' and teachers' educational supplies
- Library educational center with its open reading halls, outdoor reading rooms
- Transportation of the learners
Programme-organizing environment
- Instruction without ringing bells
- Curriculums of author educational programme
- Programme "Fun of Knowledge"
- Teaching with personal computers
- Teaching by formulating personal problems and by giving solutions to pown problems
- Distance education
- Educational calendar
- Taking care of the environment its improvement is educational work
- Diversity of educational trainings
- General trainings
- Outdoor trainings
- Concert-training
- Educational trainings in the museums, concert halls, nature, beside a historical monument
- Art in the Educomplex: Reporting concert-performance
- Blog based teaching
- Project based teaching
- Teaching with Flash Mobs
- Teaching with annual public educational reviews
- Teaching with rituals
- Organization of educational clubs
- Master class lessons given by professionals of different fields
- Meetings and trainings with cultural public figures
- Learner's individual curriculum
- Prolonged day schooling
- Constantly learning teachers: teacher’s all the year-round school
- Mentor teachers
- Learners who teach
- Teacher's diary
- Educational radio, TV
- Joyful foreign languages
- Teaching and using foreign languages: multilingual website, pedagogical journal Dpir
- Country studies in public education
- Environmental protection in public education
- Technological public education
- Animal and plant care
- Personal care and design technology
- Military-sports in public educational
- National games
- Swimming in general education
- Bicycle riding in general education
- Triathlon, Pentathlon
- Educational camps
- Educational trips
- Camps of field-expedition
- Educational exchanges
- Public educational bridges
- Inner-Educomplex and inter-Educomplex competitions of intellectual games
- Therapies: hippotherapy, dog therapy, swimming therapy, physiotherapy
- Open media environment
- Educational website, subsites
- Media library created by teachers and learners
- The Educomplex director’s diary
- Teachers’ educational blogs
- Learners’ educational blogs beginning from Grade 3
- Specialized, learners’ group and project blogs, children’s and teenagers’ magazines
- Educational radio: school, class and group radios
- Sebastatsi TV: class, group TV’s
- Electronic system of library service, Գրադարանիսպասարկմանէլեկտոնայինհամակարգ, IT support system
- Pedagogical journal Dpir
- Pre-school website “Partez”
- postal system
- Electronic registering of educational information
- Individual pages of the Educomplex, schools, groups, employees, and learners in social networks
- Individual pages and channels of the Educomplex, schools, groups, learners, employees on the platforms for publishing video and audio materials.
Other ways of spreading the programme
- Open system of choosing and admitting teachers for the Educomplex
- Training courses for the specialists applying for teachers’ positions at the Educomplex
- Training courses for the educators from the public schools and kindergartens of the Republic of Armenia
- Creative gatherings, round-table discussions
- Rituals, festivals outside the Educomplex: in the public places, towns and villages and elsewhere
- Concerts-demonstrations-performances outside the Educomplex: in well-known concert halls, exhibition halls, public places